Personal and professional goals
1. Connect to more people
I (we) have been in a pseudo-isolation status since 2020. It might be true for many people around the globe, but it is not healthy nor useful. My goal of 2022 would be going out more with people and have lunch/dinner/ drink with friends.
How to measure: Quantify number of people/family we met/week
KPI: Meet at least one old friend/family every month
2. Help at least one founder or student each week
I always have been trying to help people with potential. Never tried to quantify it, but I believe it will be helpful for mental serenity, if I can track my altruistic side. I have no intention or expectation of return of favor from any of them, it’s just to keep myself motivated to help more and more people.
How to measure: Quantify number of peopleI help
KPI: Help one founder/student each week
3. More date nights with wife
This is an interesting concept. This is trivial that we always spend time together, but it would be an interesting thing if we get to date more. I bought her an interesting gift- 100 ideas scratch book for dates. We will pick at least a few every month.
How to measure: Quantify number of dates/week
KPI: At least one date night every month
4. Eat well and exercise
This is more generic and almost everyone wants it. But with the age graph going upward, ability afford more unhealthy dine upward and ability of metabolize going down- the goal should be eating clean and well. My BMR looks like 1.77 kCal/day.
My goal is to reduce weight pretty much and get a low cholesterol level. The best way to do that is to control intake and do free hand and cardio 3–4 times a week. Food wise I would stick to 1.5 kCal/day.
How to measure: Divide the activity 4a- Eat well and 4b- Exercise.
4a- Eat below 1500 Cal/day. How many days? 4b- Exercise how many days?
KPI: Cholesterol to normal level and weight ~170 pounds by end of June
5. Read to Nehaan everyday
This is one of the most important things for the brain development of little kids. Although his mother always reads every night, I will read him every night.
How to measure: Quantify how many days I read/week
KPI: Read something for 10 minutes every night. No exceptions.
6. Investment goal
With a new member in the family, my in-laws/parents visiting yearlong and Taskin being on unpaid leave, it will be low saving year. My goal is to save $2000/month in first six months and $3000/month in last six months. That will accumulate as $30,000 saving by the end of the year, among which $5,000 will go towards donation/ Jakat/Misc. I should receive $9,000 additional funds from different sources. My goal is to invest $25,000 in VTI/VOO and $6,000 in Metaverse stocks (Apple, Qualcomm, Microsoft and Autodesk) and $3,000 in Amazon.
How to measure: Quantify saving/month. Investment can be tracked as well. If cash-on hand delta vs. previous month is <$2500, score is 0. If delta is >$2,500, score is 1.
KPI: Save $2.5K each month and invest accordingly
7. Take empty calendar day
This would be one weekend when I would not work or do any family duty. I will go to a hotel/airbnb to stay all by myself or roam around. This is a hard concept to implement, but I believe it will be worth it to clear off my head.
How to measure: Quantify number of days/Q
KPI: Take empty calendar day once in every quarter
8. Read my “bookmarked” books
This is a lofty goal considering my daily schedule and family commitments. However, I should not procrastinate to do this, since I like doing this. One way to implement this would be read a few pages every weekend and every night while I go for sleep.
How to measure: Quantify number of pages/week
KPI: 1 book every month
9. Family hangout/outing/activity
How to measure: Quantify number of outing/week
KPI: At least 1/month
Professional (personal level)
10. Complete data science bootcamp with Python
I want to be prepared for the next-gen materials science and the focus is going from intuitive materials design to semi quantitative (intuitive+ data driven). The best way to do that would be taking a few Stat and Python classes to get used to data science application in Materials Engineering.
How to measure: Quantify percent of courses completed/week
KPI: Finish the bootcamp with Python (end of June) and implement a magnetic materials development model for Fe-M (M= Ni, Co, Mn, Ni) (end of December)
11. Get six sigma black belt (SSBB)
I want to learn more about process control and scaling up production and quality control. Six sigma Black Belt certification is a hard one to get, but it will definitely help me to learn more through the academic process (which I will practice at my workplace)
How to measure: Quantify with 0 or 1. 1 when complete
KPI: Get SSBB by end of June
12. Become active in IEEE power electronics Philadelphia
I should be more active in the space where my customers are meeting. This year would be a starting point in IEEE PE local meets.
How to measure: Quantify number of meetings/week
KPI: Make at least 6 new connections with reasonable interaction in 2022
13. Become active in TMS Functional Division
TMS is an elite organization for Metallurgist, specially people with functional materials background.
How to measure: Quantify number of meetings/week
14. Publish a review article in peer reviewed journal
I want to keep publishing to keep myself sharp and updated, and also keep going up in the thought leadership role in the industry. My goal is to publish 1–2 review articles this year.
How to measure: Quantify hours worked for the publication
KPI: 1 review article in a peer review journal
15. Publish professional blogs on materials and magnetics
This will also be part of my goal to keep myself sharp and also, to place myself in the thought leadership role. In today’s world distribution is decentralized and it will be more decentralized.
How to measure: Quantify number of blogs/week
KPI: 1 blog article each week in LinkedIn